César Alvarez and Allie Martin join Music Department
The Music Department is thrilled to welcome two new faculty members, César Alvarez and Alison (Allie) Martin.
Christopher Quentin McMullen-Laird, '05
The Department of Music is saddened to share the news that Christopher Quentin McMullen-Laird, '05 unexpectedly passed away on June 17, 2022.
Virtual Guitar Ensemble Performance
Spring 2022 MUS 56 students of Jason Ennis undertake a virtual ensemble project
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"It is easy to sing the praises of Will Cheng – though it might be hard to figure out what song to sing. Rap? An aria? An excerpt from Britney Spears?"
Congratulations, Class of 2022!
The Department of Music congratulates graduating Music majors & minors.
In Remembrance of Robert Northern, aka Brother Ah
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Spring 2022 Student Recitals
This spring term, students are creating virtual recitals to share with remote audiences.
2022 Arts Awards
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Jennifer Bowman '02
"I left Dartmouth excited about working in the arts, overwhelmed by the possibilities, and committed to ensuring that the arts are accessible to as many people as possible."
Matthew Zavod '94
"Music refills my bucket daily, and I am so grateful to have had the opportunity to develop this love as part of my major at Dartmouth."